Combine 2 popular services in ONE and SAVE!
Review your resume and LinkedIn profile together and save!
Heather will review your LinedIn profile and resume within 2-3 business days (Monday-Friday) from the time of payment and when we've received all the necessary documents.
The insights and suggestions we provide are simply recommendations based on our experience and what we’ve seen work for others. You’re under no obligation to use them, and there’s no one “right” or “wrong” way to craft your professional materials. Every hiring process is unique and subjective, so while we can't guarantee a job offer, we're here to offer advice that has helped many others along the way!
LinkedIn/Resume Review Bundle
Submit your resume and LinkedIn URL for the type of job you’re targeting, and Heather will review both items from a recruiting perspective. You'll receive a detailed 3-4 page critique, highlighting suggested improvments and how to stand out.
Heather will analyze your resume line-by-line and provide clear recommendations for improvements (often including prompts and examples). She'll assess your resume’s focus, content, and effectiveness, helping you avoid common red flags while showing off your strengths. You’ll learn what to add, adjust, and highlight, helping you tell a compelling story that captures attention.Heather will analyze your profile section-by-section and provide clear recommendations for improvements (with examples). She’ll assess your profile's focus, content, and effectiveness, helping you avoid common red flags while showing off your strengths. You’ll learn what to add, adjust, and highlight, helping you tell a compelling story that captures attention.
For reviews, the current turnaround is approximately 3 business days (Monday-Friday) from payment AND receipt of necessary documents.
By placing your order, you agree to and understand the estimated time for completion (ETA). We prioritize quality over speed, so while we try to meet deadlines, occasional delays may happen. If we are running a bit longer than the provided ETA, we will reach out ahead of time to give you a heads-up.